On Septmeber 25, 2019 a CSRD evacuation alert which was in place for two homes on Caen Road in Sorrento was rescinded.
The alert was issued for the properties at 2807 and 2809 Caen Road on April 5, 2019 in response to slope instability in the area which borders Newsome Creek in Electoral Area C. It was lifted after Westrek Geotechnical Services Ltd. determined that the likelihood of sudden slope instability resulting from high water flows has passed for this season. Potentially unstable trees along the west bank of the creek remain a significant hazard, but the gully erosion processes are much less active than during the spring freshet period. Residents are advised to continue to monitor the creek and report any significant changes to the slope or creek bank to the CSRD immediately. As well, people should avoid the area five metres from the crest edge of the creek channel as slope failures may occur without warning.
The risk assessments and recommendations in the CSRD’s emergency assessment report, dated Oct 6, 2018, remain applicable and all nearby property owners should consider their options to reduce the risk. A new Erosion Monitoring Report is also being shared with all residences along Newsome Creek below the Trans-Canada Highway.
CSRD Website