News Articles

B.C. ministry supporting grant application for mitigation work

Salmon Arm Observer – December 24, 2021 – Lachlan Labere
Columbia Shuswap Regional District optimistic after two previous unsuccessful applications

Columbia Shuswap Regional District applies for grant to fund Newsome Creek work

Salmon Arm Observer – November 20, 2020 – Jim Elliot
A way to fund work that could save homes along Newsome Creek in Sorrento may have finally been found. At its Nov. 19 meeting, the Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) board approved an application to a provincial government program which could fund work to stabilize the banks of the creek. Erosion of the creek between the Trans-Canada Highway and its mouth at Shuswap Lake has concerned nearby homeowners for years.

Efforts Continue To Solve Newsome Creek Erosion

South Shuswap Scoop – February 5, 2020 – Barbra Fairclough
Area C Director Paul Demenok and NCWAG residents have met or communicated with several provincial and federal representatives including Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and Hon. Jonathon Wilkinson...

Newsome Creek Watershed Action Group Puts Focus on Spring

South Shuswap Scoop – April 5, 2019 – Barb Fairclough
On March 28th large clumps of soil sloughed from the sides of the ravine on Newsome Creek and blocked the stream flow...

Residents urged to avoid Newsome Creek banks amid evacuation alert

Salmon Arm Observer – May 10, 2019 – Jim Elliot
Fears grow as South Shuswap creek rises and continues to erode its banks

Regional district in Shuswap approves funding to shore up creek

Global News – January 12, 2019 – Doyle Potenteau
The Columbia Shuswap Regional District has approved spending to shore up a section of Newsome Creek in Sorrento. Calling it an urgent decision, the regional district’s board of directors voted to approve $25,000...

The Director’s Scoop

South Shuswap Scoop – January 11, 2019 – Paul Demenok
Currently one of the most important issues because of the urgency and the potential danger involved...

Regional district takes on Newsome Creek work

Salmon Arm Observer – January 10, 2019 – Jim Elliot
Province to fund half of feasibility study, unwilling to budge on responsibility for creek work.

Board approves urgent action plan for Newsome Creek

CSRD Website – January 10, 2019 – CSRD Staff Writer
There's simply no time to wait. That's the message from the CSRD Board of Directors as they voted to approve spending $25,000 for a remediation assessment and work plan to address the safety issues of residences located along the banks of Newsome Creek in Sorrento...

CSRD wants immediate Provincial action to fund Newsome Creek study

Salmon Arm Observer – November 18, 2018 – Jim Elliot
Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) Directors are sending an urgent letter to the province for it to fund needed studies and all mitigation works to protect the Newsome Creek stream banks, which are causing a hazardous situation for residents along Caen Road in Sorrento.

Erosion worries plague homeowners along Newsome Creek in Sorrento

Salmon Arm Observer – November 12, 2018 – Jim Elliot
Some residents of properties perched along Newsome Creek, which runs through Sorrento on its way to Shuswap Lake, feel as though they are teetering on the edge...

Column: B.C. government must take action on Newsome Creek

Salmon Arm Observer – November 3, 2018 – Paul Demenok
The residents of Caen Road in Sorrento need help from the province of British Columbia, and they need it soon. In fact, their problem is one that also affects all residents who receive their water from the CSRD’s Sorrento Water System.

Provincial Help Wanted To Prevent Creek Erosion From Damaging Property

Global News – October 24, 2018 – Megan Turcato
As erosion threatens the steep creek bank underneath their properties, some residents in Sorrento, B.C., are looking to the province for help. However, the province says it’s up to the regional district to take the next steps.