

Newsome Creek In A Nutshell

Newsome Creek is a complex situation with a lot of moving parts. You can find detailed information in our Background Articles, but … Read more


About The Watershed

Watershed Overview Newsome Creek Watershed covers the area south of Sorrento coming down from Black Mountain where the 2009 wildfire occurred. The … Read more

Newsome Creek Entering Shuswap Lake

Water Contamination

Sorrento’s water has frequently been turbid in the Spring run off, notably in the 2017 and 2018 freshets which deposited large amounts … Read more

Property Damage 2

Property Damage

Below Highway 1 an Evacuation Alert was placed on thirteen properties in May 2018. Rapid erosion has undercut the creek banks and … Read more

Dieppe Road Washout

Washed Out Roads

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has said they plan to replace all the culverts along Newsome Creek, perhaps as early as … Read more