Funds Approved for Work Plan in Newsome Creek

2019 has started on a positive note. At our meeting on January 8 we received word that we’ve secured funding for engineers to do an assessment of Newsome Creek below Highway 1 and come up with a work plan.

Phase 1 – Mitigation Work Plan

Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) and Emergency Services British Columbia (EMBC) are each contributing 50% of the cost for an engineer’s assessment which will focus on the area below Highway 1 where erosion is threatening homes and workshops.The purpose of the assessment is to create an “engineer approved work plan” so Phase 2 can begin. Read more…

Phase 2 – Doing The Mitigation Work

Phase 2 will focus on doing the actual work in the ravine, which requires further funding. Fortunately the CSRD is writing grant applications to provincial and federal programs as we speak. One source they are focusing on is the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund, which is a suite of funding programs intended to enhance the resiliency of local governments and their residents in responding to emergencies. It is administered through the Union of BC Municipalities.