A delegation of thirteen attended the Nov, 15 Columbia Shuswap Regional Distrtict Board Meeting seeking support from the board for addressing erosion in the creek. Director Demenok introduced the item and gave background on the larger issues. Norm Martin spoke on behalf of NCWAG explaining the problems in the watershed focusing especially on the area north of the TCH. Tim Lukashuk also spoke on the importance of removing debris from the creek as soon as possible to prevent further damage. The CSRD passed a motion that:
… the Board send a letter to Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development and the Solicitor General with notification that the Province under the Water Act is clearly responsible for stream activity and as such should fund the necessary studies and mitigation works to protect the Newsome Creek stream banks along Caen Road from further erosion.
CSRD’s action also supports a request sent in October 2018 to meet with the province as soon as possible to mitigate problems and prevent further damage.