KWL Engineering Submits Assessment Proposal for Newsome Creek Watershed

KWL Engineering has submitted a proposal to the CSRD to do an assessment of Newsome Creek Watershed above Highway 1. The assessment would include four main areas:

  1. Desktop Assessment to get historical background and pull together various reports, maps, documents and the like…
  2. Site Assessment of channel stability, culvert geometry, deposit levels at Sorrento water intake, potential hazards, and more…
  3. Hydraulic Analysis at road crossings…
  4. Proposed Channel Works based on findings of the site assessment.

Read: KWL Assessment Proposal for Newsome Creek Watershed

Funding Application for the Watershed

The proposal is part of an application the province is working on to secure funding from the National Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, which is a federal program managed through Infrastructure Canada.

An increasing number of Canadian communities from coast to coast to coast have experienced significant weather-related events and disasters triggered by natural hazards such as floods, wildland fires and droughts. These events are growing in frequency as a result of climate change and pose serious threats to communities and infrastructure. Infrastructure failures from natural hazards can result in threats to health and safety, interruptions in essential services, significant disruptions in economic activity, and high costs for recovery and replacement.

Infrastructure Canada

In June 2019 CSRD met with Mike Farnworth (Minister of Public Safety & Solicitor General), who stated the province will apply for the funding, which could include federal-provincial cost sharing agreement. The application will include costs to…

  • repair damages above Highway 1
  • build a bridge at the Highway 1 crossing
  • and do mitigative work below Highway 1

NCWAG Meeting – Tuesday, September 17, 7:30

NCWAG will resume meeting this fall at Sorrento Centre. Area C Director Paul Demenok will bring community members up to date on the application process. Come to Spes Bona, the red brick building, for a 7:30 start.